Living Responsibility. Shaping the Future

As a family-run company with over 125 years of history, transformation and responsibility are integral parts of our identity. Our goal is to promote sustainable growth and operate responsibly – today and for generations to come.

Our Foundation: The SDGs

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations form the framework of our sustainability strategy. They serve as a compass to prioritize our activities and continuously evolve.


Our Understanding of Sustainability

For us, sustainability means incorporating ecological, social, and economic goals equally into our decisions. This is reflected in specific actions and objectives:

  • Long-term economic success achieved sustainably and responsibly.
  • Development and production of environmentally and socially compatible products that meet the needs of our customers and the environment.
  • Creation of optimal working and social conditions for all employees to ensure a healthy and fulfilling work environment.

A Holistic Approach in the Value Chain

Our commitment to sustainability does not end with us: we consider the entire lifecycle of our products and integrate sustainability criteria into all core processes.

Our Focus Areas

  • Climate Protection: We aim for climate-neutral sites by 2025 and promote renewable energies.
  • Circular Economy: Conserving resources through eco-design and recycling.
  • Human Rights: Responsibility along the entire supply chain

Sustainability Reports for Download

Sustainability summarized in numbers and facts – Sustainability Factbook  

What matters to us, what have we achieved, and where do we want to go? The short version of our current sustainability report provides you with a quick overview of the key topics, goals, successes, and projects.

Detailed Sustainability Reports According to GRI Standards

In the WITTE sustainability reports based on GRI Standards, we detail our strategies, goals, projects, and progress regarding the sustainable development of our company.


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2003: Introduction of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

As early as 2003, we introduced an externally certified environmental management system according to DIN ISO 14001 for the first time and have since established it at all WITTE locations. The ISO standards for occupational safety and health management (45001), energy management (50001), and environmental management form the foundation for our operational sustainability activities.

2019: Development of a Group-Wide Sustainability Strategy

As part of preparing the first WITTE sustainability report, we conducted a comprehensive materiality analysis and defined the key topics, fields of action, and goals for our sustainable corporate development. We implement the sustainability strategy integratively across all business areas.

2020: Publication of the First WITTE GRI Sustainability Report

In 2020, we publicly reported for the first time on our sustainability achievements and activities in the form of an official sustainability report, following the internationally recognized standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Since then, a new report has been published every two years; starting in 2026, we will transition to annual reporting in line with the new European Standards (ESRS).

2022: Winner of the MATERIALICA Design + Technology Award

Together with our partners Mercedes-Benz, BASF, and Pyrum Innovations, we implemented for the first time a mass-balanced, chemically recycled plastic in an outer door handle. With this project, titled "Turning Used Tires into Door Handles: How to Close the Resource Loop," we won the MATERIALICA Design + Technology Award in the Materials category.

2023: First Climate-Neutral WITTE Facility

Since early 2023, our plant in Ruse, Bulgaria, has been heated exclusively using a state-of-the-art, three-stage heat pump cascade. Combined with on-site power generation via photovoltaic systems and the procurement of green electricity for the remaining energy needs, the facility now operates entirely on renewable energy.

2024: Bulgarian Plant Wins Lean & Green Management Award

For outstanding performance in process and resource efficiency, our Bulgarian plant in Ruse has been awarded the Lean & Green Management Award as the overall winner in the Automotive category. This prestigious award is presented annually by the management consultancy T&O. The winners are chosen by a jury of representatives from academia, industry, and media.

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