Respect for Human Rights
We, the management of the WITTE Group, acknowledge our corporate responsibility to uphold and respect human rights. We are therefore committed to respecting human rights in our own business activities as well as in our global supply and value chains. Furthermore, we aim to facilitate access to remedies for those affected by human rights violations. We align our business activities with the internationally recognized United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and thereby implement the requirements of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights.
Declaration of Principles on Respect for Human Rights (pursuant to § 6 LkSG)

Compliance program
Compliance – the adherence to laws and regulations – is a core concern for the WITTE Group. We are committed to ethical conduct and uphold clear principles: We would rather forgo a business opportunity or internal goals than violate laws, recognized norms, or values.
Our compliance program ensures that legal requirements are followed in every decision and action. To achieve this, we have developed a comprehensive internal compliance management system. This system informs all employees about their obligations and is supplemented by training sessions, guidelines, and procedural instructions. Our compliance organization is always available to provide support.
Regular controls ensure that violations are sanctioned and the compliance system is adapted to current developments. Additionally, stakeholders can use our reporting system to provide information on potential misconduct.
Complaint Procedure
If you have information or suspect that actions have occurred within the company that contradict the WITTE Automotive Code of Ethics and/or generally binding legal provisions, or if you have questions or comments about the guidelines and implementation of the WITTE Group's compliance program, please feel free to contact the Risk & Compliance Department: